As global efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify, the "Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework" offers a practical investment framework and diverse...
Targeting is a commonly used, but much debated, policy within global social assistance practice. This book examines the well- known dilemmas in light of the growing body of experience, new implementation...
The Eastern Europe and Central Asia region has the world's fastest growing HIV epidemic. Although still concentrated, the epidemic has diversified, affecting several key populations in many countries...
This report lays out why overweight and obesity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor and people who live in low- or middle-income countries...
This report lays out why overweight and obesity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor and people who live in low- or middle-income countries...
This report lays out why overweight and obesity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor and people who live in low- or middle-income countries...
A growing share of the burden of disease across the world is associated with risky behaviors by individuals. Drug use, smoking, alcohol, unhealthy eating causing obesity, and unsafe sex are highly prevalent...
This book addresses the question of how to build and upgrade job relevant skills. Specifically, the authors focus on three types of training programs relevant for individuals who are leaving formal general...
This book is about the threats to education quality that cannot be explained by lack of resources. It reviews service delivery failures in education: cases where programs and policies increase inputs to...
The relative lack of attention to early childhood development in many developing countries remains a puzzle, and an opportunity. There is increasing evidence that investments in the nutritional, cognitive...