Equal opportunity is extremely important in Romania. From gender to social inclusion, from access to education to improved employment opportunities – ensuring equal opportunity for all is a cornerstone...
This brief gives examples of some of the achievements of the first 20 years of the World Bank’s partnership with Ukraine. Over that period, the World Bank has helped improve people’s lives in Ukraine by...
With World Bank support from 2000 to 2015, the Government established successful Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in the water sector. Such private sector participation was viewed by the Bank and Government...
Recognizing the importance of maintaining the qvevri tradition of wine-making for Georgia’s cultural heritage as well as for its economy, the Government has set about the creation of a “Qvevri Workshop”in...
As the South East Europe Region recovers from a double dip recession, experiencing limited growth of 2.2% in 2013, policy makers in the region continue to look for ways to increase this growth and make...
Albania made large economic strides over the last two decades that enabled the country to grow in a sustainable and inclusive way. With rising incomes, poverty halved in the country from 25.2% in 2002...
Mongolia is home to the second largest population of snow leopards in the world. The snow leopard is classified as an endangered species. Its government and those of 11 other snow leopard range countries...
This story highlights DAS biogas has developed a waste-to-wealth solution for treating biodegradable household waste and converting it into cooking gas.
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. This piece was originally published on February...
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. Few green technology entrepreneurs are more...
This story highlights entrepreneurs in developing countries face a number of challenges, including inadequate access to finance, lack of appropriate technology, poor business services, and limited professional...
This story highlights reducing corruption in the extractives sector is a high priority of the global development agenda. Corruption can dramatically impede economic development and contribute to illicit...
Strengthening the financial resilience of ASEAN countries to disaster and climate shocks is critical to support their economic growth, fiscal stability, human development, and poverty reduction efforts...
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. This piece was originally published on Nov...
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. This piece was originally published on January...
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies.
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. The Women Innovators Network Caribbean (WINC)...
This story highlights Prakash Maharjan turned the family dairy business into one of Nepal’s top three ice cream brands, with annual revenue of 700,000 dollars.
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. mLab Southern Africa supported Geekulcha...