A rapid agricultural supply chain risk assessment, recently developed by the World Bank, constitutes a useful tool for a system-wide approach to identify risks, risk exposure, the severity of potential...
Agriculture plays an important role in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Most of its production depends on small family-owned farms, which are greatly exposed to climatic and price shocks. In order...
Agricultural insurance is a tool to manage agricultural production risks and help producers reduce the effects of negative shocks and improve the allocation of resources. It provides a mechanism to transfer...
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region has been experiencing a rapid demographic and epidemiological transition which has important health and economic consequences. Not only is the population aging...
The United Nations decade of action for road safety 2011-2020 sets an ambitious goal to stabilize and then reduce by half the predicted level of traffic fatalities in low and middle-income countries by...
Public health observatories proactively investigate health issues to provide robust analytical evidence to policy makers. This type of organization has different characteristics from other public health...
In recent years, several middle-income Latin American countries have seen a steep increase in the number of cases litigating access to curative services and inputs. A renewed judicial approach to the enforcement...
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region fares well on achievement of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets when compared with other regions, but the region has great disparities between and...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases generate a heavy burden in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Cardiovascular...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases generate a heavy burden in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Cardiovascular...
The World Bank, with the financial support of the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF), is implementing the Alternative Indigenous and Afro-Descendants and Agroforestry Project (COCOA-RAAN) in the indigenous...
Despite Rio de Janeiro's privileged position as Brazil's historical capital (from the eighteenth century until 1960) and as a major center for tourism, culture, and education, the city and its region (collectively...
This brief points out that in Peru many leadership positions at all levels of business, public and private, are occupied by men (over 75 percent). In the Water User Organizations (OAU) for irrigation in...
Reducing the burden of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Jamaica is a national policy. The Government of Jamaica has recognized the importance of preventing and controlling NCDs and created the National...
Both women and indigenous peoples face key barriers that limit their capacity to access and benefit from development projects. In a country like Peru where women and indigenous peoples represent a large...
Publicly financed construction is a key driver for economic growth and poverty reduction worldwide. At the same time, it is a sector unusually prone to corruption, not least due to large opportunities...
The Regional Program on HIV-AIDS in Central America undertook the implementation of collaborative and inclusive actions on HIV-AIDS and Disability. A series of Regional forums (El Salvador, 2008 and 2009...
This brief includes the following heading: introduction; a bottom-up success; fuel for the future; procurement: where the rubber hits the road; and miles to go.
A 2010 country governance and Anti-Corruption (CGAC) funded pilot in Guatemala employed entry-level mobile phones in conjunction with Episurveyor, a free, web-based software for data collection, to drastically...
In their path to improve their policy-making process, Latin American governments typically face, at least, five important challenges: 1) insufficient technical capacity at the center of government to formulate...