This book sets out why climate policies are successfully adopted in some cases butmeet substantial opposition in others. Guided by the 4i Framework—covering four keycomponents of the political economy:...
This book sets out why climate policies are successfully adopted in some cases but meet substantial opposition in others. Guided by the 4i Framework—covering four key components of the political economy:...
Climate change is unfolding amid the greatest information and communication revolution in human history. From e-commerce and social media to smart manufacturing and precision farming, digital technologies...
To address the myriad challenges posed by global climate change, countries at all income levels have put in place a diverse set of policies over the past three decades. Many governments have already made...
This book is the first stocktaking of what the decarbonization of the world economy means for fossil fuel–dependent countries. These countries are the most exposed to the impacts of global climate policies...
Economic losses from natural disasters totaled 92 billion dollars in 2015. Such statements, all too commonplace, assess the severity of disasters by no other measure than the damage inflicted on buildings...
Climate change threatens the objective of eradicating poverty. Poor people and poor countries are already vulnerable to all types of climate-related shocks—natural disasters that destroy assets and livelihoods;...