Bangladesh sixth five year plan underscores the importance of exports for dynamism in the manufacturing sector and provision of high productivity and high income jobs. Indeed, faster export growth will...
This paper analyzes recent automotive investment in the Slovak Republic and shows how the development of the automotive industry has influenced growth in productivity and output in the broader economy...
The purpose of this paper is to present estimations of indicators of direct and indirect interventions of China's government in agriculture. The paper reviews China's experience with policy reforms since...
The purpose of this paper is to present estimations of indicators of direct and indirect interventions of China's government in agriculture. The paper reviews China's experience with policy reforms since...
This summary report concludes that transport plays a critical role in efforts to achieve low carbon development. It is also the key to reducing impacts on exposure to airborne pollutants in urban areas...
A number of changes worldwide are taking place that have implications for the rural and agricultural sector. Population growth, improved incomes, and shifting dietary patterns continue to increase and...
As part of the Sahelian Operation Review, the survey analyzes water management schemes in road-works in Burkina Faso, northern Togo, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania. This included water storage works, raised...
As part of the Sahelian Operation Review, the survey analyzes water management schemes in road-works in Burkina Faso, northern Togo, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania. This included water storage works, raised...
As part of the Sahelian Operation Review, the survey analyzes water management schemes in road-works in Burkina Faso, northern Togo, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania. This included water storage works, raised...
As part of the Sahelian Operation Review, the survey analyzes water management schemes in road-works in Burkina Faso, northern Togo, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania. This included water storage works, raised...
At the 1994 Conference of the Parties in the Bahamas, the World Bank presented a document entitled "Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity--Toward a Strategy for World Bank Assistance." Since...
This paper presents the findings and discusses methodological questions of interest that emerged from the ESP's (Education and Social Policy Department) study of unit costs. It focuses on three general...
A major shortcoming of standard methods for estimating household fuel demand as a function of fuel choice is that, for cooking, end-use services are treated as constant, while not taking into account behavioral...
The world economy is facing a new kind of competition in industry. New international rivals have emerged with advantages in cost or productivity of government support. New concepts in products and processes...