After Germany, Poland is the EU’s second largest coal producer and consumer.1 96 percent of EU-27 hard coal production, or 54.4 million tons, is extracted in Poland (EURACOAL, 2020). In 2020, over 40 percent...
Rapid increases in computing power and data generation have turned artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things into potent technologies that are rapidly gaining use in many areas of...
This papers investigates to what extent internal migration contributes to improving households' welfare in Ghana. Using the most recent and nationally representative household survey (Ghana Living Standards...
The World Bank was fifty years old when James D. Wolfensohn became president in June of 1995. World War II and the reconstruction of Europe, which led to the creation of the World Bank, had ended long...
Despite decades of war and instability, Iraq's abundant natural resources, strategic geographic location and cultural history endow it with tremendous potential for growth and diverse economic development...
The initial post World War II pursuit of capital account liberalization (CAL) by advanced economies was Europe-centric, with roots in a broader political rather than economic agenda of greater European...
This focus note describes Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP's) experience to date gathering qualitative and quantitative information directly from low-income consumers to inform financial...
This focus note describes Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP's) experience to date gathering qualitative and quantitative information directly from low-income consumers to inform financial...
This focus note describes Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP's) experience to date gathering qualitative and quantitative information directly from low-income consumers to inform financial...
This focus note describes Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP's) experience to date gathering qualitative and quantitative information directly from low-income consumers to inform financial...
This working paper summarizes the annual estimates, for each of the world's main high-income countries, of key distortion indicators defined in Anderson et al. (2008), and provides some summary statistics...
On June 20, 2006, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number seventy four. It is resolves that schedule A to the convention is hereby amended by reclassifying...
In the wake of the Soviet Union's collapse, Armenia, like other former Soviet republics, began to struggle with the implications of its newfound independence. In the electricity sector, this meant learning...
A document review of development policy lending projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, approved in fiscal years (FY) 2000-03 at the World Bank, reveals increasing civil society involvement...
A document review of development policy lending projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, approved in fiscal years (FY) 2000-03 at the World Bank, reveals increasing civil society involvement...
This study entitled, Landfill gas capture opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa, analyzes urban waste in both quantitative and qualitative terms in selected Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries to find out...
In the mid-1990s, various organizations concerned with agricultural development in northern Ghana sought ways to promote joint research, extension, advocacy and learning with farmers as equal partners...
In the mid-1990s, various organizations concerned with agricultural development in northern Ghana sought ways to promote joint research, extension, advocacy and learning with farmers as equal partners...
This note evaluates Bolivia's trade regime in 2001, using the methodology developed in Hinkle et al. (2003) in "How Far Did Africa's First Generation Trade Reforms Go? An Intermediate Methodology for Comparative...
The report contains the guidelines for railways concessions, which present the methodology for regrouping a set of instruments, aimed at setting the operational structure for concessions within the railways...