This paper investigates the effects of multiple weather shocks on household welfare in Mozambique, as well as some of the coping responses and price mechanisms at play. The analysis employs a triple-difference...
A rapid agricultural supply chain risk assessment, recently developed by the World Bank, constitutes a useful tool for a system-wide approach to identify risks, risk exposure, the severity of potential...
The context of the education system in Malawi is strongly marked by demographic pressure, a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, striking poverty, and very low human and social development. The Malawian education...
This article is based on a case study of environmental and natural resource (ENR) capacity strengthening efforts in Malawi between 1994-1999. The Bunda College of Agriculture, Malawi and the International...
This article is based on a case study of environmental and natural resource (ENR) capacity strengthening efforts in Malawi between 1994-1999. The Bunda College of Agriculture, Malawi and the International...
The World Bank completed 287 projects between 1992 and 1997 in Sub-Saharan Africa, at a cost of US$9.6 billion, in four essential sectors: agriculture, education, health and nutrition, and urban and rural...
The World Bank completed 287 projects between 1992 and 1997 in Sub-Saharan Africa, at a cost of US$9.6 billion, in four essential sectors: agriculture, education, health and nutrition, and urban and rural...
The World Bank completed 287 projects between 1992 and 1997 in Sub-Saharan Africa, at a cost of US$9.6 billion, in four essential sectors: agriculture, education, health and nutrition, and urban and rural...
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it...
On October 12, 1995, the International Development Association (IDA) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and eighty two. It was resolved that the Board of Governors of the Association...
On August 27, 1992, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred eighty-two. It was resolved that, by accepting membership in the Corporation, the...
On July 15, 1963, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and eighty-two. It was resolved that the by accepting membership...
This press release announces the Bank has cancelled six million two hundred thousand dollars of the fifteen million dollars loan to the Netherlands on April 21, 1950.