Efforts in Afghanistan have sought to enable systematized data disclosures and simplify data collection efforts, given security concerns that often restrict movement and coordination. In this context...
This paper estimates the profitability of fertilizer and hybrid seeds in Uganda, using agronomic evidence on the yield returns to inputs from experimental fields, as well as output price data from local...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases generate a heavy burden in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Cardiovascular...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases generate a heavy burden in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Cardiovascular...
The purpose of this report is to provide the reader with an overview of some of the issues relating to women and information and communication technology (ICT) in the developing world in contrast to the...
This study examines empirical information for major Sub-Saharan African countries and provides an analysis of whether recent trade and economic policy changes by some Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries...
This study examines empirical information for major Sub-Saharan African countries and provides an analysis of whether recent trade and economic policy changes by some Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries...
The World Bank has usually "done the right thing" in the Zimbabwe health sector, but has not always "done things right," according to a recent Operations Evaluations (OED) study. Bank policy advice and...
The World Bank has usually "done the right thing" in the Zimbabwe health sector, but has not always "done things right," according to a recent Operations Evaluations (OED) study. Bank policy advice and...
The World Bank has usually "done the right thing" in the Zimbabwe health sector, but has not always "done things right," according to a recent Operations Evaluations (OED) study. Bank policy advice and...
This paper examines the increasing participation of the private sector in the transmission and distribution of natural gas in developing countries during the 1990s, resulting mainly from the growing demand...
On November 01, 1993, the International Development Association (IDA) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and seventy six. It was resolved that, the term “Tenth Replenishment Resolution”...
On October 17, 1991, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred seventy-six. The Board of Governors of the Corporation consider the Financial Statements...
The project was designed to support two of the governments high priority programs in rural development. These were: administrative reorganization and decentralization of public sector development program;...
On November 7, 1962, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and seventy six. It was resolved that, effective September...
This press release announces that Vice President Garner is visiting the Union of South Africa and Northern and Southern Rhodesia on March 10, 1950.