The effects of urban transport policies on household welfare are a broadly understudied topic in developing countries. This paper analyzes the distributional effects of a newly established bus rapid transit...
The Ombudsman Bureau in Jordan was established in 2008. It was created to provide an avenue for redress by citizens for complaints against public sector bodies - part of the Government’s drive to improve...
After experiencing an initial period of rapid growth, many developing countries have fallen into the middle-income 'trap', stuck between low-wage, low-technology markets and high-income, innovation-based...
Real growth in global trade has decelerated significantly since its sharp recovery in 2010. Year-on-year growth in global real trade1 decelerated from 13.3 percent at the end of the first quarter of 2010...
A recent paper argues persuasively that the two basic pillars of taxation in most countries are the income tax and the VAT (Barreix and Roca 2007). The authors argue that the VAT is excellent as a revenue...
The trend toward new tourism niches in Latin America and the Caribbean (hereafter, LAC) has brought benefits, but also costs to the region's indigenous peoples. As the World Bank social and environmental...
This report the findings and outcomes of the three joint UNESCO/World Bank missions to Guyana, Jamaica, and St. Lucia, and elaborates on next steps identified for action at both national and regional levels...
Findings Info briefs reports on good practice in ongoing operational, economic and sector work carried out by the World Bank and its member governments in the Africa Region. This issue reports on the Tanzania...
The Social Recovery Project (SRP) supports small, simple and locally-generated community-based projects that improve infrastructure and service delivery to the poor during the adjustment period in Zambia...
The Social Recovery Project (SRP) supports small, simple and locally-generated community-based projects that improve infrastructure and service delivery to the poor during the adjustment period in Zambia...
Countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America are introducing reforms to boost efficiency and attract new private investment in their natural gas industries. The trend has been to unbundle along...
This Precis entitled, Sustaining reform in Argentina, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Evaluation study, Argentina country assistance review, Report No. 15844, dated June...
This Precis entitled, Sustaining reform in Argentina, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Evaluation study, Argentina country assistance review, Report No. 15844, dated June...
This Precis entitled, Sustaining reform in Argentina, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Evaluation study, Argentina country assistance review, Report No. 15844, dated June...
On October 11, 1985, the International Development Association (IDA) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and thirty seven. It was resolved that the Board of Governors of the Association...
On May 5, 1983, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred thirty-seven. The Central African Republic may accept membership in the Corporation pursuant...
On December 28, 1959, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and thirty-seven. It was resolved that effective November 1...
This press release announces the Bank will collaborate with other international specialized agencies in the expanded cooperative program of technical assistance for economic development on June 2, 1949.