In Kenya, skills constraints are reported to have a detrimental impact on job creation and labor market outcomes. Employers have reported concerns with the level and relevance of a broad set of socio-emotional...
Over the past decade, a large number of low- and lower-middle income ‘frontier economies’ have begun to access international private capital markets to meet fiscal financing needs. In this paper we seek...
Cities are hubs of global change, and their global influence continues to grow. Cities contribute significantly to global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss. At the same time, cities...
Cities are hubs of global change, and their global influence continues to grow. Cities contribute significantly to global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss. At the same time, cities...
Vietnam is likely to be one of the most significantly impacted nations in the world from climate change, due to its very long coastline, high dependence on agriculture, and relatively low levels of development...
This paper documents significant differences in the impacts the war in Aceh had on ex-combatants and civilians and how these differences shaped the post-war decision-making processes of their households...
Foreign capital investment in microfinance has been booming over the past four years. Commercial cross-border debt and equity invested in microfinance surpassed US$11 billion in 2009, representing an estimated...
Using a pair of randomized evaluations, the author evaluates a computer assisted learning program designed to reinforce students understanding of material presented in class. The program was implemented...
Nigeria's long-run growth performance has been extremely poor. Between 1960 and 2000, real income per capita grew at only 0.43 percent per year. The situation improved between 2001 and 2006 when real per...
This chapter estimates indicators of direct and indirect intervention by the Mexican government in agriculture over the period 1979 to 2005. To put the estimates in context, authors describe the main characteristics...
This chapter estimates indicators of direct and indirect intervention by the Mexican government in agriculture over the period 1979 to 2005. To put the estimates in context, authors describe the main characteristics...
The report, Dhaka: Improving living conditions for the urban poor, presents a comprehensive look at poverty in Dhaka with the goal of providing the basis for an urban poverty reduction strategy for the...
This report begins by examining the characteristics and relative merits of living standards measurement studies (LSMS) and specialized household energy surveys. It then reviews the types of questions currently...
This study provides an overview of fish and fishery products exports from India as a whole before focusing on the fish and fishery products sector in Kerala. The food safety and other technical requirements...
This paper summarizes briefly the general economic situation in the Maldives and describes its health care system, demographics and health outcomes. Mortality and life expectancy have been improving, but...
This paper argues that new, more automatic fundraising approaches promise to be more effective than the traditional approach in raising adequate and predictable resources to help developing countries respond...
A fundamental requirement for sustainable improvements in rural infrastructure is a clear understanding of who will own assets and finance maintenance, and from where the capacity will be mobilized to...
Most of the substantive analysis and recommendations of this report are based on the findings of a mission to Georgia in October 1994. However, between that time and the time of the follow-up mission in...
Starting in 1980, Turkey embarked on an ambitious program of stabilization and structural adjustment. The speed with which macroeconomic stability was established and the rapid response of the private...