The paper updates the analysis of the fiscal policy response over the recent commodity cycle, contributes to the analysis of key drivers of fiscal policy procyclicality, and provides a stock-tacking of...
Solid waste management is the one thing just about every city government provides for its residents. While service levels, environmental impacts and costs vary dramatically, solid waste management is arguably...
The program's objective is to assist decision makers in developing countries in integrating adaptation measures into national development strategies, policies, and budgets. The economics of adaptation...
Violent conflict in Indonesia is in need of serious theoretical and policy attention. A new belief that conflict has de-escalated in Indonesia has crept into popular and policy circles. However, it is...
Over the past two decades, institutions that make micro loans to low-income borrowers in developing and transition economies have focused increasingly on making their lending operations financially sustainable...
Over the past two decades, institutions that make micro loans to low-income borrowers in developing and transition economies have focused increasingly on making their lending operations financially sustainable...
The aims of the donor review are: to map out past and current activities of donors in the area of rural livelihoods and information and communication technologies (ICTs); to elicit a detailed understanding...
Rapid growth since 1980 has transformed India from the world's 50th ranked economy in nominal U.S. dollars to the 10th largest in 2005. The growth of per capita income has helped reduce poverty. At the...
This overview of China's transport sector report is produced in the context of the Bank's strategy update but is focused on the particular circumstances of China and the ways in which China is endeavoring...
The Dominican Republic ranked among the faster growing economies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in the 1990s. Early in the 1990s, macroeconomic stabilization was accompanied by trade liberalization...
The Dominican Republic ranked among the faster growing economies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in the 1990s. Early in the 1990s, macroeconomic stabilization was accompanied by trade liberalization...
This report highlights governance issues in Bangladesh's HNP sector that hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. This study is intended as a first step in gaining a better understanding...
The World Bank has initiated surveys on Cost of Compliance for Standards on Trade to identify barriers, particularly those related to food safety aspects that developing countries face when exporting fresh...
The objectives of this study are to formulate, and propose a strategy for the implementation of a national program for phasing out leaded gasoline, as well as a network of public and private enterprises...
This study attempts to distill lessons from the preparation, and initial implementation of the Ecuador Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadoran Peoples Development Project, though it also draws heavily from a working...
After global environment facility (GEF's) establishment in 1991, more than 120 heads of state adopted the principles of sustainable development for international waters in chapter 17 of agenda 21. Moreover...
This study looks at the role of agriculture in the decline of biodiversity. It first looks at the conflicts and complementaries between agriculture and biodiversity, touching on global trends, interactions...
Land markets in developing and industrializing countries are subject to regulatory constraints that significantly affect the operation of the market and equilibrium prices and sales, contribute to reduced...
Intensive agriculture has led to rapid production growth in Bangladesh in the last decade. However it may also undermine Bangladesh's natural resource base and its environment. The report examines two...
The pupose of this paper is to discuss the impact of the industrial policy regime on specialization and the competitive standing of the Brazilian electronics industry. In view of the industry's diversity...