This paper examines the level of investment protection for selected countries along the Belt &Road Initiative (BRI), based on coding the textual content of 17 investment laws and 648international investment...
This paper develops the concept of ‘action space’ as the range of possible destinations to which a migrant can realistically move at a given point in time and, intimately linked to this, the set of possible...
This report is an update to the above mentioned UNCTAD/World Bank study (the ‘first phase’). Following that researchers revisited eight operations in four countries (Cambodia, Ethiopia, Mozambique and...
This report is an update to the above mentioned UNCTAD/World Bank study (the “first phase”). Following that researchers revisited eight operations in four countries(Cambodia, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania),conducting...
The rich cultural heritage of China is an essential touchstone of its collective identity. The country's archaeological sites, historic architecture, expressive arts, cultural landscapes, and ethnic diversity...
The rich cultural heritage of China is an essential touchstone of its collective identity. The country's archaeological sites, historic architecture, expressive arts, cultural landscapes, and ethnic diversity...
The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Southern Africa Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) working...
Bangladesh is one of the country's most vulnerable to climate change which also has a very high population density. The combination of a high level of poverty, and a depleted ecological system increase...
This paper describes the impact of Aceh's Community-Based Assistance for Reintegration of Conflict Victims program (BRA-KDP). The program, implemented between August 2006 and August 2007, sought to address...
In Sri Lanka, literacy regarding modern Information Technology (IT) is still at a very early stage. In a country with a 93 percent literacy rate, IT literacy rates are nine percent for the urban population...
With only 56 percent of the population enjoying access to safe water, Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind other regions in terms of access to improved water sources. Based on present trends, it appears that...
This paper reviews the evidence about the effects of urbanization and cities on productivity and economic growth in developing countries using a consistent theoretical framework. Just like in developed...
During the period since 1950, agricultural policies in Brazil experienced major changes. A policy of forced industrialization and import substitution lasted for the first four decades. This included a...
The self-help group (SHG) model is the dominant form of microfinance in India. SHGs have grown explosively in recent years. It is reported that by March 2006, 2.23 million SHGs were reaching about 33 million...
The self-help group (SHG) model is the dominant form of microfinance in India. SHGs have grown explosively in recent years. It is reported that by March 2006, 2.23 million SHGs were reaching about 33 million...
The self-help group (SHG) model is the dominant form of microfinance in India. SHGs have grown explosively in recent years. It is reported that by March 2006, 2.23 million SHGs were reaching about 33 million...
Complex linkages between poverty, growth and environmental management underpin the analysis in the present Bangladesh Country Environmental Analysis. This report identifies three significant issues that...
Events that took place in FY04, important to ASTAE, were: (a) the World Bank Board approval of 3 projects which received ASTAE support; (b) commitment from the Netherlands to fund a Phase II support for...
Five cases included in this section highlight issues related to national strategy and reform processes in Denmark, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and francophone West Africa. This paper will highlight...
This paper describes trends in tobacco use in Sri Lanka, assesses the economic contribution of the industry (jobs, earnings, tax revenues and trade balance), and analyses the relationship between demand...