The Review of WBI delivery partnerships focuses mainly on delivery partnerships in Part II countries and includes an analysis of both formal and informal delivery partners active in FY07 and FY08. The...
This evaluation for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) knowledge and learning committee identifies benefits of the Innovation Grant Program (IGP) and provides recommendations on how the administration of...
This study addresses the concern that the World Bank Institute Evaluation Group's (WBIEG) approach to evaluation of staff learning does not fairly or well characterize the Bank's training nor its overall...
The current work tests whether WBI's learning program effectiveness and impact changed over time in WBI's focus countries. This study is based on a regionally diverse sample with five time points, FY01-FY05...
The current work tests whether WBI's learning program effectiveness and impact changed over time in WBI's focus countries. This study is based on a regionally diverse sample with five time points, FY01-FY05...
As part of a larger initiative of thematic program evaluations, this evaluation examines the extent to which the Community Empowerment and Social Inclusion Program (CESI) achieved its objectives in FY02...
Sustainable development requires capacity building at individual, organizational, and societal levels. The World Bank Institute (WBI) supports World Bank operations by providing learning activities, advisory...
World Bank Institute (WBI) programs are organized around priority themes or initiatives linked to the World Bank's corporate aims and the Millennium Development Goals. Over the past two years, however...
This study reports the findings of the retrospective study of WBI's Tajikistan program and will serve as the baseline for the prospective evaluation work in that country. The evaluation takes into consideration...
This evaluation was conducted to determine if the World Bank course, "Managing a Country Office" was achieving its goal of preparing new country managers and country directors to assume their responsibilities...
Traditionally, WBI's approach to capacity enhancement emphasized thematic (or sectoral) and knowledge (or learning) objectives. Over the past year, however, in response to the challenges of achieving the...
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Communication as Power workshop on the participants and their staffs. The Communication as Power course is one of the two-day workshops instituted...
This report provides an evaluation of the impact of World Bank Institute (WBI) client programs. The report discusses the evaluation methodology, results, and recommendations. In Chapter 2 an overview of...