Филипп Майер и Маартен Хендрикс: "Расширение зоны евро: почему важна гибкость". Юлия Демьяник и Вадим Волосович: "Распределение рисков в странах ЕС". Тэнел Росс: "В ожидании вступления в еврозону?" Джон...
EMU Enlargement: why flexibility matters, by Philipp Maier and Maarten Hendrikx. Gains from risk sharing in the EU, by Yuliya Demyanyk and Vadym Volosovych. Postponing Euro area expectations? by Tanel...
It has been increasingly recognized that entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in successful economies. The Schumpeterian approach to growth (Aghion and Howitt, 1997) advances the view that entrepreneurial...
Симеон Джанков, Жерар Ролан, Эдвард Мигуэль, Иньгуй Цянь, Екатерина Журавская: "Российские предприниматели: скажи мне, кто твои близкие...". Вячеслав Домбровский: "Предпринимательство в Латвии: несколько...
Contents: Russian entrepreneurs: tell me who your friends and family are...; by Simeon Djankov, Gerard Roland, Edward Miguel, Yingui Qian, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. Entrepreneurs in Latvia: a few pieces...
Infrastructure is once again part of the World Bank's mainstream business - interview with World Bank Executive Director Carole Brookins. World Bank study reveals tainted links between the state and businesses...
Contents: The great Euro debate. Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest: the least expensive cities in Eastern Europe. China's reform focuses on streamlining government. Revisiting good and bad globalizers. World...
Ten years in transition : recalling the events of a historic decade with World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Czech President Vaclav Havel on the intellectual challenge of globalization...