Ce cinquième rapport sur la situation économique de la Mauritanie s’inscrit en droite ligne des objectifs de développement définis dans le cadre de la Stratégie de Croissance Accélérée et de Prospérité...
This fifth report on Mauritania's economic situation is in line with the development objectives defined in the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) and provides an analysis of...
The ongoing health and security crisis have partly undermined the benefits from past years of strengthening economic growth. Sustaining an upward trend over the recent years, real growth stood at 5.9 percent...
The ongoing health and security crisis have partly undermined the benefits from past years of strengthening economic growth. Sustaining an upward trend over the recent years, real growth stood at 5.9 percent...
Although a growing body of literature emphasizes that the poor may benefit from better access to financial services through more growth and employment opportunities, there is a continuing debate about...