In a relative deprivation framework, unless inequality is reduced, growth is associated with both higher satisfaction and higher deprivation. This may help explain the discontent with growth despite its...
Using national income and expenditure distribution data from 119 countries, the authors decompose total income inequality between the individuals in the world, by continent and by "region" (countries grouped...
This report analyzes the evolution of poverty and inequality in the Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC) from 1986 to 1996, with projections to 1998. It reviews the policies which have been advocated...
The effects of tax evasion on tax rates and government revenues have focused fresh attention on the question of tax administration. Because of the difficulties of measuring the consequences of good or...
The paper suggests a method which enables the user to identify commodities that all individuals who can agree on certain weak assumptions with regard to the social welfare function will agree upon as worth...
Although Egypt has been able to provide many of its citizens with cheap food, cheap oil and cheap shelter, the deficits in its budget and balance of payments may preclude government spending for these...
This paper uses the extended Gini inequality index to examine the sensitivity of measurements of impacts of migrant remittances on the distribution of household income by size to different value judgements...
This paper presents a simple method for analyzing the distributional effects of marginal changes in commodity taxes. The distributional effect of a tax is measured by its impact on the Gini coefficient...