Nigeria's ability to invest in physical and human capital is limited. Public financing capacity at both State and Federal is severely constrained by extremely low fiscal revenues in 2018; among the lowest...
Maximizing finance for development encompasses all aspects of private sector financial intermediation that is directed towards increasing productive capacity and supporting investment in the infrastructure...
Policy-makers across developing economies are implementing different forms of special economic zones (SEZs): programs intended to catalyze economic growth. The SEZ program is aimed at attracting foreign...
Nigeria has recorded robust growth for more than a decade, and its economy has become more diversified with less reliance on oil, although oil revenue remains a critical source of fiscal revenues and foreign...
This report summarizes the results of the analytical work on housing market finance carried outby the World Bank Group at the request of the Ministry of Finance. The purpose of the work wasto inform the...
This report provides a brief overview of six economic zones in Nigeria, and discusses the main findings with respect to the zones: development goals and the anticipated benefits of the zone projects, key...
The overall objective of the South-South knowledge sharing initiative was to enable the development of an improved approach to strategy, production, and cooperation in the dairy sectors of Tanzania and...
The overall objective of the South-South knowledge sharing initiative was to enable the development of an improved approach to strategy, production, and cooperation in the dairy sectors of Tanzania and...