Mozambique is one of the thirty highest tuberculosis (TB) burden countries in the world with respect to total incidence. Active case finding programs in Mozambique have been expanding, and community-based...
This brief summarizes the findings of an allocative efficiency analysis using the Optima TB model and highlights opportunities to improve Malawi’s TB response. The study adopted an innovative design by...
Mobile application (app) platforms have the potential to advance sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Yet there is a dearth of knowledge regarding global perspectives from healthcare providers on how...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important diagnostic technology that helps to ensure high-quality healthcare provision. Since the introduction of the first MRI machine in 1987, the number of MRIs...
South Africa remains a high-burden country for tuberculosis (TB) and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) with an underlying generalised HIV epidemic. TB funding must therefore be allocated to interventions...
The national HIV response in Belarus includes several priority prevention and treatment programs. Belarus continues to experience a growing epidemic, which, however, is projected to remain concentrated...
Ukraine experiences one of the most severe HIV epidemics in Europe. An HIV allocative efficiency analysis has been carried out, which revealed that there are several key opportunities to change the course...
This allocative efficiency analysis intended to assess Mozambique's progress towards TB strategic targets, and provide decision support for TB strategy using a combined TB epidemiological component and...
Cervical cancer is an important disease in Ukraine: Among all cancers in females, it ranks 5th for incidence and 6th for mortality. While first year mortality shows some decline, progress in earlier detection...
Diabetes is the 7th most important cause of years lived with disability in Ukraine. Prevalence is estimated at 8.4 percent and there are over 1 million undiagnosed cases. Expenditure for diabetes treatment...
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of preventable mortality in Ukraine. It is estimated that high systolic blood pressure was responsible for 42 percent of total deaths in 2016, which is among the...
Diabetes is the 7th most important cause of years lived with disability in Ukraine. Prevalence is estimated at 8.4 percent and there are over 1 million undiagnosed cases. Expenditure for diabetes treatment...
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of preventable mortality in Ukraine. It is estimated that high systolic blood pressure was responsible for 42 percent of total deaths in 2016, which is among the...
As part of a Regional initiative, Kazakhstan conducted an Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) allocative efficiency analysis in 2014 to 2015 to inform more strategic investment in HIV programs. Kazakhstan...
Breast cancer is the leading cancer in Ukrainian females, however, there is evidence of progress with earlier detection and decreased first year mortality after diagnosis from 14.5 percent in 2000 to 9.7...
Compulsory drug detention centers (CDDCs) are common throughout Asia. However, medical treatments for substance use disorders, such as opioid agonist treatment (OAT), are generally unavailable in these...
Infectious diseases were responsible for the largest global burden of premature death and disability until the end of the twentieth century, when that distinction passed to noncommunicable diseases. Over...
This paper applies the tenets of social inclusion to health policy and practice, arguing that achieving the goal of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will be impossible without considering social and economic...
Detention of people who use drugs into compulsory drug detention centres (CDDCs) is common throughout East and Southeast Asia. Evidence-based pharmacological therapies for treating substance use disorders...