Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) are playing an increasingly more significant role in the development of the national and regional economies in which they operate. They have the potential to generate...
This note describes the options available to governments for establishing high-level institutional structures that can be used to improve the performance of their institutional framework for foreign investment...
A well-functioning institutional framework can result in higher levels of foreign direct investment. It requires several factors such as a shared strategic vision, solid institutions capable of delivering...
The Investment Reform Map (IRM) is an exercise of analytics and dialogue to develop the investment policy needed to attract the type of FDI that can help a country fulfil its development vision. In the...
Fragile and conflict-affected situations might appear incapable of attracting significant flows of foreign investment due to their often negative international images and weak enabling environments. However...
Global investment promotion best practices (GIPB) assess how well national investment promotion intermediaries (IPIs) from 189 countries attract investment. The assessment is carried out by a review of...
Global flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) declined severely during the recent economic and financial crisis. As the crisis eased, recovery in world economies spurred a resurgence of FDI, and that...
Global flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) declined severely during the recent economic and financial crisis. As the crisis eased, recovery in world economies spurred a resurgence of FDI, and that...
Global flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) declined severely during the recent economic and financial crisis. As the crisis eased, recovery in world economies spurred a resurgence of FDI, and that...
Global flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) declined severely during the recent economic and financial crisis. As the crisis eased, recovery in world economies spurred a resurgence of FDI, and that...
Global flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) declined severely during the recent economic and financial crisis. As the crisis eased, recovery in world economies spurred a resurgence of FDI, and that...
The Investment Climate Department of the World Bank Group helps governments implement reforms to improve their business environment, and encourage and retain investment, thus fostering competitive markets...