The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
The book has a comprehensive introduction and two main parts. Part I presents the conceptual underpinnings for the Bank's thinking on pension systems and reforms, including structure of Bank lending in...
Проведенная недавно пенсионная реформа, направленная на введение многоуровневой пенсионной системы, свидетельствует о существенном сдвиге в области пенсионного обеспечения в России от системы с установленным...
The recent pension reform introducing a multi-pillar pension system signals a major shift in pension provision in Russia, from a defined benefit pension scheme to a defined contribution pension system...
Bolivia's bold program of pension reform involved the immediate closing down of the old pay-as-you-go system and its replacement by a defined-contribution system based on individual capitalization accounts...