This paper summarizes the estimates of what Russia will get from World Trade Organization accession and why. A key finding is the estimate that Russia will gain about $53 billion per year in the medium...
Modernizing China's growth paradigm by Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan. Understanding migration in Russia by Yuri Andrienko and Sergei Guriev. Insert : Invasion or Necessary Stimulant? by Zhanna Zaionchkovskaya...
Эсвар Прасад, Рагхурам Раджан: "Модернизация парадигмы роста Китая". Юрий Андриенко, Сергей Гуриев: "Миграционные потоки в России". Вставка: Жанна Зайончковская: "Китайская миграция в Россию: экспансия...
Contents: The great Euro debate. Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest: the least expensive cities in Eastern Europe. China's reform focuses on streamlining government. Revisiting good and bad globalizers. World...