This paper quantifies the impact of drought on household consumption for five main agroecological zones in Africa, developing vulnerability (or damage) functions of the relationship between rainfall deficits...
A forward-looking measure of “vulnerability to poverty” is estimated and a concerted effort is made to understand the sources of vulnerability in the drought-prone lowlands of Ethiopia. Using the Household...
Vulnerability to poverty refers to the likelihood that a household or an individual may fall below the poverty line in the event of a shock. Understanding vulnerability helps design policies to protect...
This paper uses Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys data from the Republic of Congo and São Tomé and Príncipe to study the relationships between child stature, mother's years of education, and indicators...
Angola is the third-largest economy in the Sub-Saharan Africa and is classified as a low-middle income economy. The incidence of poverty in Angola as of 2019 based on a monetary measure of welfare (monthly...
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the scale of undernutrition is staggering; 58 million children under the age of five are too short for their age (stunted), and 14 million weighs too little for their height (wasted)...
This study responds to a request in March 2018 by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MoFEC), to the World Bank and Department for International Development (DfID) to carry out a study of...
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is among the five poorest countries in the world, whether measured by poverty rate or number of poor. Political instability and rapid demographic growth—the second...
The performance of the Simple Poverty Scorecard is compared against the performance of established regression-based estimators. All estimates are benchmarked against observed poverty status based on household...
The performance of the simple poverty scorecard is compared against the performance of established regression-based estimators. All estimates are benchmarked against observed poverty status based on household...
This paper examines the impacts of weather shocks, defined as rainfall or growing degree days more than a standard deviation from their respective long-run means, on household consumption per capita and...