Using a novel data, this paper examines unemployment benefits and active labor market policies across 191 countries in 2019-2020 and assesses their linkages with labor market outcomes. In 2019, 48 percent...
Despite advances in the growth reform agenda in the last decade, Honduras remains the second-poorest country in Central America, with one of the lowest growth rates in income per capita. The objective...
As the smallest economy in Central America, Nicaragua has undergone a structural transformation that has enabled the country to grow at a high pace since the mid-1990s. The objective of this study is to...
Although El Salvador’s modest pace of growth has reduced poverty and inequality in recent years, it has not been sufficient to move the country toward the income levels of wealthier economies. The objective...
Although El Salvador’s modest pace of growth has reduced poverty and inequality in recent years, it has not been sufficient to move the country toward the income levels of wealthier economies. The objective...
The objective of this study is to investigate the drivers and constraints of growth and productivity in Guatemala and explore areas with high growth potential. Drawing on the historical growth experience...
Panama’s growth model is at crossroads and the country must be prepared for the new growth model. The objective of this study is to investigate the drivers and constraints of growth and productivity in...
The objective of this study is to investigate the drivers and constraints of growth and productivity in Guatemala and explore areas with high growth potential. Drawing on the historical growth experience...
Central America comprises a diverse set of countries, including two high-middle-income countries (Costa Rica and Panama), two of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Honduras and Nicaragua)...
As the smallest economy in Central America, Nicaragua has undergone a structural transformation that has enabled the country to grow at a high pace since the mid-1990s. The objective of this study is to...
Panama’s growth model is at crossroads and the country must be prepared for the new growth model. The objective of this study is to investigate the drivers and constraints of growth and productivity in...
Central America comprises a diverse set of countries, including two high-middle-income countries (Costa Rica and Panama), two of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Honduras and Nicaragua)...
Despite advances in the growth reform agenda in the last decade, Honduras remains the second-poorest country in Central America, with one of the lowest growth rates in income per capita. The objective...
Costa Rica has seen remarkable social and economic progress over the last three decades, with income per capita doubling, and well-being indicators reaching levels comparable with countries of the Organization...
Costa Rica has seen remarkable social and economic progress over the last three decades, with income per capita doubling, and well-being indicators reaching levels comparable with countries of the Organization...
Central America’s priority is to recover from its deepest economic contraction and restore strong, sustainable economic growth. With increases in working age population projected to decline sharply, strong...
Central America’s priority is to recover from its deepest economic contraction and restore strong, sustainable economic growth. With increases in working age population projected to decline sharply, strong...
Central America’s priority is to recover from its deepest economic contraction and restore strong, sustainable economic growth. With increases in working age population projected to decline sharply, strong...
Using firm-level data from more than 39,000 firms in 111 economies, this paper tests the hypothesis that corruption impedes productivity more at higher levels of regulation. The analysis finds that there...
Malaysia’s economic growth expanded strongly in first quarter (1Q) 2017. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate for 2017 is expected to accelerate to 4.9 percent, slightly above the government’s current...