Tourism has been, and continues to be, one of the most affected sectors by the pandemic, resulting in negative socio-economic consequences for host communities in destinations as well as for underlying...
The objective of the WeTour survey was to collect data on the barriers to business performance and competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism and tourism-related sectors...
The objective of the WeTour survey was to collect data on the barriers to business performance and competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism and tourism-related sectors...
COVID-19 is affecting nearly 47.7 million travel and tourism jobs across South Asia, many held by women and vulnerable communities working in the informal sector. Losses of over US$50 billion in gross...
The travel and tourism industry was one of the first sectors to be affected by COVID-19. Since March, the entire value chain that defines the industry — spanning airlines, bus and train companies, cruise...
The Tourism Diagnostic Toolkit provides systematic guidance for identifying and assessing opportunities and constraints in the tourism ecosystem, as well as identifying potential points of entry for WBG...
Tourism is growing faster than ever before in emerging and developing economies. In just 10 years, the tourism landscape has changed completely. Digital platforms are changing the way travel is traditionally...
Technology and digital platforms are disrupting the way the tourism sector operates from end to end affects low-income markets striving to leverage tourism for development impacts. Digital platforms, in...
Tourism is an engine for jobs, exports, and investments. The tourism sector is also the largest, global, market-based contributor to financing protected area systems. Nature-based tourism (NBT) is a sub-component...
Theory of Change in tourism is about understanding why and how change happens, so that development programs can make the most of the development potential of this sector. It is critically important that...
Many advancements have been made in empowerment of women, but women are still far from enjoying the same basic rights, privileges and benefits that men do. Women earn much less than men, do a disproportionate...
The focus of this paper is on sustainable tourism’s wider benefits, it is important to acknowledge that there are tradeoffs involved. Like other economic activities, tourism both gives and takes from communities...
This report is the first to examine tourism in Africa comprehensively and regionally and the first to recommend practical, evidence-based measures enabling the sector’s economic and development power...
Tourism is one of the key industries driving the current economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). From a small base of just 6.7 million visitors in 1990, SSA attracted 33.8 million visitors in 2012...
For African countries looking to sustain and increase their unprecedented growth rates of recent years, the potential of tourism has not been fully recognized as a vital source of economic and development...
Globally, tourism is a three-billion-dollar-a-day business. According to UNWTO, the sector employs 230 million people, generates 30 percent of the world’s service exports, and is responsible for 5 percent...