Poverty and crises are rapidly “urbanizing”. Yet experience with operationalizing cash transfers in urban areas is limited. This paper captures early lessons from a new generation of urban cash transfer...
Prior to the pandemic, Madagascar was on sustained recovery path and achieved progress in poverty reduction. The economic revival in the period leading up to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis was supported...
Prior to the pandemic, Madagascar was on sustained recovery path and achieved progress in poverty reduction. The economic revival in the period leading up to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis was supported...
The Jobs Umbrella Multidonor Trust Fund (MDTF) is a financing instrument that supports the World Bank Group`s (WBG) jobs strategy to contribute to the twin goals of reducing poverty and ensuring inclusive...
The Jobs Umbrella Multidonor Trust Fund (MDTF) is a financing instrument that supports the World Bank Group's jobs strategy to contribute to the twin goals of reducing poverty and ensuring inclusive growth...
This paper develops a general framework to inform the design of a new generation of jobs lending operations. The paper discusses the rationale for developing jobs focused lending operations with specific...
The Jobs Umbrella Multidonor Trust Fund (MDTF) is a financing instrument that supports the World Bank Group’s jobs strategy to contribute to the twin goals of reducing poverty and ensuring inclusive growth...
The Jobs M&E Toolkit provides a package of resources for project teams and clients to support mainstreaming the Jobs Agenda in World Bank Group (WBG) lending operations. The aim is to help teams working...
This paper provides an overview of the participation of the Executing Agencies (ExAs) in the GEF Partnership at the project level, through the following sections: The ExA project portfolio; present status...
In this paper the authors discuss and compare new aid modalities that may be used by GEF, and, project based aid delivery modality, that is most frequently used by GEF. New modalities that are relevant...
The evaluation on the Experience of Executing Agencies under Expanded Opportunities in the GEF addresses four key questions: a. How has the participation of the Executing Agencies in the GEF and the related...
The purpose of this report is to review completed and on-going initiatives for simplification, harmonization and program management within the partner agencies of the GEF or externally. It aims to (a)...
The objective of this component of the Joint Evaluation of the GEF Activity Cycle and Modalities is to provide a factual overview of the programming processes in the concerned agencies and of GEF's decision...