El presente documento propone, para lograrlo, enfocar los esfuerzos hacia: (a) mejorar las capacidades y activos productivos de la población con mayor rezago para que ésta cuente con un piso mínimo de...
El presente documento propone, para lograrlo, enfocar los esfuerzos hacia: (a) mejorar las capacidades y activos productivos de la población con mayor rezago para que ésta cuente con un piso mínimo de...
This study examines the causes and effects of low enrollment and high dropout rates at the upper secondary level in Mexico, where upper secondary completion rates are well below those of other Organisation...
This study presents an analysis of the alignment between the human resource profile generated by the Higher Education sector in Oaxaca, and the dynamics of the labor market in the State. This is a critical...
This study presents an analysis of what happens to youth in Oaxaca upon reaching the age at which they will be expected to graduate from upper secondary education. Through a statistical analysis of various...
Presenting the proceedings of the May 2003 World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), the volume imparts new research findings and discussions on key policy issues related to poverty...
The evaluation of welfare programs and government and international interventions are examined, with evaluations of social interventions and attempts made at "scaling up" these programs. The paper examines...