The study developed an analytical tool to support Kenya’s subnational governments to identify opportunities and barriers to realizing inclusive and sustainable private sector–led growth within their jurisdictions...
What has the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic been on poverty in Zambia, and how can social protection programs mitigate these effects? This paper estimates the pre-pandemic poverty level in Zambia and...
Following the release of new GDP estimates, nominal GDP for FY18/19 increased and the structure of the economy has changed. In October 2019, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) released new GDP estimates...
The growing economic fissures in the societies of Europe and Central Asia between generations, between insiders and outsiders in the labor market, between rural and urban communities, and between the super-rich...
Portraits of Labor Market Exclusion presents "profiles" or "portraits" of individuals who have limited labor-market attachment. It is widely accepted that those with limited attachment to the labor market...
This paper lays out the basic building blocks of a means-tested income support program. It summarizes some of the decisions which have been made so far with respect to various components within these building...
Economic growth in Georgia was strong at 6.1 percent per year during 2004-12 as structural reforms and a favorable global economy led to large foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and expansion in the...
Sustaining rapid economic growth for reduced poverty and shared prosperity over the next decade and beyond in Georgia is an important goal and a key challenge for the authorities. While the record of growth...