As a small and open economy, Montenegro's growth prospects are directly linked to its ability to produce competitively and sell goods and services in international markets. Integration into international...
Uganda has made significant progress in the last three decades; most importantly, Ugandans now live much longer and better lives than before. Since 1990, the life expectancy of a Ugandan baby has increased...
The Ugandan economy will need to grow rapidly, sustainably, and broadly (i.e., in a shared manner), to reach middle-income status, lift its population out of poverty, and generate enough jobs for one of...
For a small and landlocked country like North Macedonia, trade integration is particularly important to sustain the country's economic growth and transformation. The importance of trade became even more...
To assess Uganda’s trade opportunities and obstacles for economic transformation, this paper examines the country’s recent trade performance and patterns. The analysis includes but is not limited to Uganda’s...