The absence of hydroelectric assets (along with solar, wind, and other renewable energy assets) from the Changing Wealth of Nations (CWON) natural capital accounts in the past was a concern. Since fossil...
To date, the natural capital accounts compiled in the changing wealth of nations (CWON) reports have not included renewable energy assets. This is in part because few empirical studies of renewable energy...
It is now clear that a narrow focus on the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) is insufficient to achieve humanity’s aspirations for sustainable prosperity. Well-functioning ecosystems and educated...
The findings of this study are presented in the main body of the report on a country-by country basis in alphabetical order. For each country, a brief overview of the environmental accounting system in...
This working paper is based on a literature review and country case studies in six Sub-Saharan African countries: Eritrea, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania. It looks at the role of secondary...
Despite heavy emphasis on basic and primary education over the past two decades, there is renewed interest in the importance of secondary education in the developing world. Secondary education is increasingly...
As part of the Bank's developing emphasis on marginal cost pricing for public utilities, PUN0014 was issued in January 1975. It summarizes a decision requiring the use of long-run incremental costs as...