This third edition of the Zimbabwe Economic Update (ZEU) aims to provide both a current and historical background covering the pre-pandemic (2019) and pandemic (2020 to April 2021) period. The 2019-2020...
The country of Zimbabwe has seen some important improvements in key health outcomes since 2009. However, despite progress in some areas of the health sector, the country did not meet its Millennium Development...
The report summarizes the findings of an allocative and implementation efficiency analysis of Zimbabwe's HIV response across the care cascade, which was conducted using the Optima-HIV model. The analysis...
For the past decade or so, integration of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services has received widespread support by international and national health development...
This report summarizes findings from a mathematical modelling study to examine the patterns of HIV acquisition and transmission in Zimbabwe during the period from 2000 to 2017 and to predict future trends...
The fiscal space analysis for the health sector in Zimbabwe is timely and the need for such analysis has been strongly expressed by the government and its development partners. This imperative is Justified...