The authors develop a framework to conceptualize the multiple ways forests contribute to poverty reduction and inform development interventions in forest landscapes. The authors identify five key strategies...
This paper develops a broad framework to conceptualize the multiple ways forests contribute to poverty reduction and inform interventions in forest landscapes. The paper identifies five key strategies...
The main objective of this report is to strengthen understanding of climate-related risks and impacts in coastal megacities in developing countries using case studies of three cities that are different...
Irrigation management transfer is an important strategy among donors and governments to strengthen farmer control over water and irrigation infrastructure. This study seeks to understand whether irrigation...
In this paper, the authors seek to answer three questions about poverty and forests in Malawi: (1) What is the extent of biomass available for meeting the energy needs of the poor in Malawi and how is...
Integrating environmental concerns in lending, and non lending operations of the Bank is imperative in securing, and strengthening a sustainable development agenda. Country Assistance Strategies (CASs)...
Over the last several years, the rights of local communities over natural resources have been strengthened either through power-sharing agreements with the state, increased legal access to natural resources...
Decentralized forest management is an important policy issue in India and elsewhere. Yet there are few careful studies of the impacts of community forestry. The authors try to fill this gap by analyzing...
Community-based natural resource management is an important strategy to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and wildlife in Namibia. The authors examine the extent to which conservancies have been...
The paper discusses how developing countries can generate some of the resources they need for sustainable development. Developing country government already spend significant amounts of resources on a...
The aim of this paper is to identify indicators that can be used to monitor change at different scales, for different purposes and in a number of different ways. At the national (or sub-national) level...
This report is the outcome of a Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and Environment program that was started in the World Bank's Environment Department in 1998. The aim of the program was to identify practical...