R&D tax incentives (RDTIs) are among the most popular instruments that governments in both developing and developed economies employ to induce private investment in research and development (R&D). RDTIs...
This study compares Korea’s successful diversification experience with Viet Nam’s recent diversification path to identify how the latter country could further diversify into more value-added products...
This report investigates the case of a Korean public-private matching grant program called the Tech Incubator Program for Startup (TIPS). Launched in 2013, the program provides a package of support to...
Although governments around the world have introduced policies to support startups and foster entrepreneurial ecosystems, research findings on the effectiveness of such public support are inconclusive...
This report leverages patent data and relatedness analysis to identify the factors that affect the technological transition of firms toward industry 4.0 technologies by looking at the technological trajectories...
This research identifies factors that affect the technological transition of firms toward industry 4.0 technologies, focusing on capabilities and policy impacts using relatedness and complexity measures...