The present Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) will help inform the Government of Ukraine’s reform efforts, especially those leveraging the power of the private sector to boost economic growth and...
One of the critical challenges to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) continues to be access to finance (World Bank 2019). Asset-based lending (ABL) is emerging as a unique financing option for...
Theory of Change in tourism is about understanding why and how change happens, so that development programs can make the most of the development potential of this sector. It is critically important that...
The focus of this paper is on sustainable tourism’s wider benefits, it is important to acknowledge that there are tradeoffs involved. Like other economic activities, tourism both gives and takes from communities...
In the face of evolving global and regional economic circumstances, the facility for investment climate advisory services (FIAS), too, is evolving in the expertise and products it delivers, the issues...
The main objective of this Guide to Warehouse Receipt Financing Reform is to provide technical advice and guidance to reformers, project teams supporting reforms, donor institutions, government officials...