The economies of small developing states tend to be more fragile than those in large ones. This paper examines this issue in a dynamic context by focusing on the impact of education and North-South trade-related...
Global matrices of bilateral migrant stocks spanning 1960–2000 are presented, disaggregated by gender and based primarily on the foreign-born definition of migrants. More than one thousand census and population...
The movement of people in search of better economic conditions and a more secure environment is as old as human history. Such movements not only profoundly affect the lives of the migrants, but also lead...
Migration is an important yet neglected determinant of institutions. This paper documents the channels through which emigration affects home country institutions and considers dynamic-panel regressions...
This paper is organized in following headings: five questions on international migration and development; where on earth is everybody? the evolution of global bilateral migration 1960-2000; immigration...
This paper examines the impact on total factor productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and in other developing countries of trade-related technology diffusion from the North) (denoted by...
This paper provides a different basis than previous analyses for regional bloc formation and regional migration. Due to low bargaining power and fixed costs, small states face a severe disadvantage in...
That remittances are a stable source of external finance seems to have become the received wisdom. In addition, many studies have found remittances to behave counter-cyclically, increasing during crises...
This paper examines the relationship between international migration and source country fertility. The impact of international migration on source country fertility may have a number of causes, including...
This paper examines the impact of trade with Japan, North America, and the European Union on technology diffusion and total factor productivity growth in Korea, Mexico, and Jordan. Measures of foreign...
The economies of small developing states tend to be more fragile than those of large ones. This paper examines this issue in a dynamic context by focusing on the impact of the brain drain on North-South...
Recent changes in information and communication technologies have contributed to a dramatic increase in the degree of integration and interdependency of countries, markets, and people. Against this background...
This paper examines the impact of North-South trade-related technology diffusion on total factor productivity (TFP) growth in small and large states in the South. The main findings are: i) TFP growth increases...
The economic policy and debt department of the World Bank launched a research program on economic growth and integration of small states to the World economy, which includes a series of economic growth...
This paper examines the relationship between the brain drain and country size, as well as the extent of small states' overall loss of human capital. The authors find that small states are the main losers...
This paper is concerned with the measurement of the medical brain drain, with a particular focus on the situation of small states. There are no official statistics on the emigration of healthcare staff...
This volume reflects the expansion of the World Bank Research Program on International Migration and Development into new substantive and geographic areas. It presents a new global migration database and...
Mundell and Markusen each wrote classic papers on the relationship between trade and factor movement. Mundell showed that substitution holds in the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Markusen challenged the substitution...
Knowledge of the economic effects of migration, especially its impact on economic development, is rather limited. In order to expand knowledge on migration, and identify policies and reforms that would...
Based on static partial equilibrium analysis, the "new brain drain" literature argues that, by raising the return to education, a brain drain generates a brain gain that is, under certain conditions, larger...