This paper shows that the welfare of a country's representative consumer can be measured using just two variables: current and future total factor productivity and the capital stock per capita. These variables...
A considerable literature has focused on the determinants of total factor productivity (TFP), prompted by the empirical finding that TFP accounts for the bulk of long-term growth. This paper offers a deeper...
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a critical overview of the recent empirical contributions that use cross-country data to study the effects of product market regulation and reform on a country's...
Using Principal Components, the authors construct a 25-year time series index of financial liberalization for each of eight developing countries: Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia...
Tariff rates, tariff revenue, and tariff reform: some new facts. The effect of financial liberalization on the capital structure and investment decisions of Indonesian manufacturing establishments. The...
This article analyzes the consequences of financial liberalization, using a large panel of Indonesian manufacturing establishments. It discusses whether financial reforms have had an impact on investment...