The following analytical report summarizes the technical notes and presentations prepared by the World Bank and the Workforce Development Center under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population...
The diagnostic and analysis presented in this report unveils a complex and challenging picture of Polish R&D capacity and its technological preparedness to engage and deliver green-innovation solutions...
Climate change is the single most important existential threat of our times. Mounting average global temperature contributes to rising sea levels, more frequent extreme weather events, deteriorating biodiversity...
Climate change is the single most important existential threat of our times. Mounting average global temperature contributes to rising sea levels, more frequent extreme weather events, deteriorating biodiversity...
This labor markets power point outlines jobs diagnostics, macro and demographic growth, structural change, spatial transformation, and labor supply and demand.
This paper proposes a framework of voluntary savings schemes (VSS) in Jordan that can complement the current formal sector arrangements to better protect informal workers against economic shocks, unemployment...
This paper exploits a rich database to provide comprehensive profiling of informality in Jordan, including who informal workers are, their characteristics, and where they work, as well as providing policy...
This report aims to provide policy options to create more and better jobs for Palestinians. The report provides a comprehensive diagnostic of the job challenge in the PT. It does so by (i) analyzing recent...
This paper identifies the factors that affect the location of firms in Tanzania. Using a binomialeconometric strategy to address data gaps in firm location at the ward level, the paper groups factors into...
The economy of the Democratic Republic of Congo is not creating sufficient jobs for its young and rapidly growing workforce. Although the Congolese economy has experienced fast growth and poverty has declined...
Tanzania has just entered a phase of growing dependency rates that will put pressure on job creation so that the larger number of dependents do not fall into poverty. However, the new millions of jobs...
This note is a summary of a report that considers urban areas as the complement to rural areas that will allow the Plurinational State of Bolivia to achieve the goals set forth in its Patriotic Agenda...
This note is a summary of a report that considers urban areas as the complement to rural areas that will allow the Plurinational State of Bolivia to achieve the goals set forth in its Patriotic Agenda...
In this paper on the summary of notes and indications of policies for improving competitiveness in the Caribbean the authors believe that after years of low growth, high unemployment and indebtedness...
Natural geographic advantages have historically attracted human settlements to rivers and coasts. The attraction to the coast is so strong that people are willing to give up living space to be near the...