This book, The Government Analytics Handbook, is about enabling individuals to change their governments for the better. It draws on a moment in history when the world is capitalizing on innovations in...
This book, The Government Analytics Handbook, is about enabling individuals to change their governments for the better. It draws on a moment in history when the world is capitalizing on innovations in...
The Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI) are a project of the Bureaucracy Lab at the World Bank. The Lab seeks to promote the use of evidence and technology in the study of the civil service through...
How do civil service management practices differ within and across governments? How do core attitudes of public servants—such as their motivation or satisfaction—differ within and across governments? Understanding...
There is a youth mental health crisis in Lithuania. Mental health challenges have several delirious consequences for the youth, including poor performance in school and negative outcomes later in life...
What is the appropriate level of employment in the public sector as a whole and for essential workers like public administrators, teachers, and doctors? Is the public sector wage bill affordable? Does...
Building a capable public service is a key component of post-conflict state building. An effective public service is fundamental to the regulation of society, to managing public funds, and to service delivery...
Improving government capability is one of the main challenges of economic development. There is consensus around the core policies needed for developing countries to achieve equitable growthand reduce...
The Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Group generates high-quality and operationally relevant data and research to transform development policy, help reduce extreme poverty, and secure shared prosperity...
To focus on strengthening the institutional capacity of national systems by linking financing to defined results, the World Bank’s Program-for-Results (PforR) requires a deep understanding of behavioral...
The information that public officials use to make decisions determines the distribution of public resources and the efficacy of public policy. This paper develops a measurement framework for assessing...
A burgeoning area of social science research examines how state capabilities and bureaucratic effectiveness shape economic development. This paper studies how the management practices of civil service...
This paper investigates the consequences of granting politicians power over bureaucrats in the implementation of small-scale public infrastructure projects. While potentially bolstering the incentive for...
Impact Evaluation to Development Impact (i2i) is a multi-donor trust fund managed by Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) in the World Bank Research Group. It is designed to generate high-qualityand operationally...
Improving government productivity is one of themain challenges of economic development. Althoughconsensus exists around the core policies needed fordeveloping countries to achieve equitable growth andreduce...
Who are the civil servants that serve poor people in the developing world? This paper uses direct surveys of civil servants -- the professional body of administrators who manage government policy -- and...
The authors document the correlation between the workplace diversity of bureaucracies and public services delivered. The authors do so in the context of the federal civil service in Nigeria, the most important...