This report focuses on the impact of the war in Ukraine on the energy sector in 2022 and early 2023 and Its implications at the macro and micro level in the EU. The EU is a net importer of energy and is...
This paper delves into Bulgaria's persistent issue of child poverty, even amidst policy efforts at the European Union (EU) and national levels. The study updates a comprehensive fiscal incidence analysis...
This paper uses the introduction of preparatory school classes targeting six-year-old children in Romania to study whether universal, compulsory, public care provision could increase female employment...
In this paper, we use the introduction of preparatory school classes targeting six-year-old children in Romania to study if universal, compulsory, public care provision could increase female employment...
Although female entrepreneurship is crucial to generating sustainable and equitable growth patterns, international evidence shows that women tend to be underrepresented in entrepreneurship, and this gender...
Addressing gender inequalities in educational outcomes is crucial from a human rights and development perspective. Building human capital early in life has crucial implications for developmental and labor...
This Country Gender Assessment (CGA) presents updated evidence on the recent gender gaps in Romania and identifies entry points for the sustainable reduction of gender inequalities to support the World...
This paper analyzes fiscal incidence in El Salvador through a gender lens using the Commitment to Equity model. The study aims to identify fiscal policies that promote gender equality and facilitates evidence-based...
Poverty mapping, the spatial representation and analysis of human wellbeing and poverty indicators is becoming an increasingly important instrument for investigating and discussing socioeconomic issues...
El Salvador is marked by high vulnerability to risks and hazards, such as crime, natural disasters, and migration. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the vulnerability patterns of its population. This...
Honduras, already among the poorest countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, experienced weak poverty reduction in 2014–19 compared to other countries in the region. The COVID-19 pandemic...
This report explores different aspects of migration flows from North Central America countries, specifically from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. It provides an in-depth socioeconomic...
This report explores different aspects of migration flows from North Central America countries, specifically from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. It provides an in-depth socioeconomic...
The 2015 Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) concluded that El Salvador was ‘trapped’ in vicious cycles of low poverty reduction and growth and argued for a ‘big push’ in six priority areas. Three mutually...
This report outlines the following headings: motivation, overview of SIMLAB, model, baseline results, and counterfactual policy simulations.
This report analyzes potential factors and determinants affecting female labor force participation in Croatia and identifies potential policy options to facilitate greater participation of women in the...
This paper constructs and estimates a household-level search model to analyze Roma spouses' utility maximization for leisure, home production, and work. The paper aims to explain labor market gender gaps...
This paper uses microsimulation techniques to quantify the potential ex-ante impacts of several minimum wage increases on labor market outcomes in Kosovo. The results show that the overall impacts of a...