Countries that have sustained rapid growth over decades have typically had a strong public commitment to expanding education as well as to improving learning outcomes. South Asian countries have made considerable...
A country’s education system plays a pivotal role in promoting economic growth and shared prosperity.Sri Lanka has enjoyed high school-attainment and enrollment rates for several decades. However, it still...
For the past decade, South Asian governments have been investing heavily to achieve the education millennium development goals (MDGs). The region has also made great progress in enrolling girls in both...
How education and training systems respond to the sweeping changes brought about by globalization and the knowledge economy can have far-reaching implications for developing countries in terms of sustainability...
Good transition needs friendly investment climate - some lessons of experience; by Guy Pfeffermann. Foreign investment slumps in Cuba. Labor policy dilemmas preceding EU enlargement - Labor markets of...
This paper examines the labor market dynamics of six CEE countries over the last 10 years, paying special attention to the nature of labor market institutions these countries have adopted and their impact...
The penetration of the Hungarian economy by foreign economies is enormous. This paper addresses these questions: What explains an improvement in overall profitability of manufacturing activity beginning...
This article analyzes the impact and effectiveness of the Mexican labor retraining program for unemployed and displaced workers - Programa de Becas de Capacitacion para Trabajadores (PROBECAT). The strategy...