حقق الاقتصاد الأردني انتعاشًا قويًا نسبيًا، مسجلاً نُموّا بنسبة 2.2 في المائة في عام 2021. ونتج هذا الانتعاش الحديث العهد عن توسع واسع النطاق في قطاعيْ الخدمات والصناعة، في حين أن الانتعاش في قطاعيْ السفر...
Jordan’s economy achieved a relatively strong rebound, registering 2.2 percent growth in 2021. The nascent recovery was led by a broad-based expansion of the services and industrial sectors, while the...
The global economy continues to reel from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) shock. The initial economic impact of COVID-19 on global output is projected to be far more devastating than the disruptions observed...
This paper seeks to forecast the impact of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic-crisis on the economy and household welfare of Jordan.2 We focus on the impact of domestic and global lockdown. To answer this question...
This policy note was prepared in parallel to the report Pakistan at hundred - shaping the future. The report Pakistan at hundred discusses options to accelerate and sustain growth in Pakistan so that the...
The Pakistani economy faced four major domestic shocks as of April 2015: (i) a political sit-in by opposition parties in Islamabad that lasted between August and December and raised significant political...
For 2013 progress in Pakistan was significant and supported by a solid economic reform program of the Government of Pakistan. An IMF Extended Fund Facility (EFF) and two World Bank Development Policy Credits...
Pakistan's economy is weak but at a turning point. Growth recovery is underway, with the projected GDP growth approaching 3.6-4.0 percent, driven by dynamic manufacturing and service sectors, better energy...
Punjab is Pakistan's most populous and economically vibrant province. Its fiscal health, therefore, is crucial to the fiscal stability and economic development of Pakistan as a whole. By end-June 2011...
Stabilization efforts since November 2008, together with a decline in international commodity prices, have reduced external imbalances, rebuilt foreign exchange reserve, and lowered inflation in Pakistan...