Blockchain is an emerging technology that offers the possibility of re-engineering economic models and enabling the creation of markets and products that were previously unavailable or unprofitable across...
Industrial location responds to many factors, including geography, transport, logistics and ease of integration into global value chains, domestic market size and agglomeration potential, labor and management...
Block chain, or distributed ledger technology, has the potential to address many problems in emerging markets. In this note the authors consider whether block chain can be used to mitigate the problem...
The six chapters that follow provide an overview of the technology (chapter one) and its unfolding applications in emerging markets (chapter two). Chapter three examines whether blockchain can be used...
Many countries in Africa suffer high rates of underemployment or low rates of productive employment; many also anticipate large numbers of people to enter the workforce in the near future. This paper asks...
Can perceptions data help us understand investment climate constraints facing the private sector? Or do firms simply complain about everything? In this paper, the authors provide a picture of how firms'...
This analysis looks at the determinants of firms' decisions to locate in the informal vs. formal sector. The authors test the hypothesis that firm decision-making regarding formality is based on a model...
Prior research has emphasized that the high costs and risks arising from a poor investment climate-lack of clear property rights, macro-instability, the burden of regulation and taxation, poor infrastructure...
Poverty in Africa is largely the outcome of slow growth. With the region hosting 10 percent of the world's population but a staggering 30 percent of the world's poor, the challenges it faces are enormous...
The objective of the South Africa Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) is to evaluate the investment climate in South Africa in all its operational dimensions and to promote policies to strengthen the private...
Much of the growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past decade has come from extractive industries, rather than from private, entrepreneurial activity. Furthermore, non-extractive activity in the private...
This paper analyzes the determinants of firms' decision to provide HIV/AIDS prevention activities. Using data from 860 firms and 4,955 workers in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, it shows that larger firms...
The objective of the South Africa Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) is to evaluate the investment climate in South Africa in all its operational dimensions and promote policies to strengthen the private...
The Zambian Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) was conducted to support the Zambian economy as it diversifies away from dependence on volatile copper extraction and enhances the competitiveness of its...
This paper ties together the macroeconomic and microeconomic evidence on the competitiveness of African manufacturing sectors. The conceptual framework is based on the newer theories that see the evolution...
The objectives of the ICA are to assess the current performance of formal manufacturing firms, to identify the key constraints on their growth and competitiveness, and to prioritize and assess policy priorities...
Investment Climate Survey data are now available for several member countries of the World Bank, including eight in Sub-Saharan Africa. These reports and the surveys that underpin them have generated very...
Investment Climate Survey data are now available for several member countries of the World Bank, including eight in Sub-Saharan Africa. These reports and the surveys that underpin them have generated very...
Uganda's economic growth since the late 1980s has resulted largely from restoring and rehabilitating the country's productive capacity. Going forward, growth will need to come increasingly from new investments...
For Mozambique to achieve its ambitious poverty reduction goals, it must maintain an annual growth rate of 8 percent over the next seven years. While this is within the range of recent performance, sustaining...