Pakistan’s urban areas face a looming housing crisis: forty-seven percent of households live in over-crowded housing units in informal settlements (katchi abadis) with inadequate infrastructure and services...
This paper examines spatial heterogeneity in the impacts of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban household incomes in Ethiopia and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Combining new panel...
Rwanda is renowned among African countries for the rapid advances achieved in its population’s standard of living. Public service delivery has grown dramatically, and educational attainment, vaccination...
Recent economic growth In Mauritania has helped reduce poverty, but spatial disparities in terms of both monetary welfare and access to services and opportunities remain. Designing policies and projects...
This study seeks to identify the factors that hinder Greater Monrovia to achieve higher productivity of its workers and welfare for its citizens. It will do so by combining specifically gathered spatial...
This study seeks to identify the factors that hinder Greater Monrovia to achieve higher productivity of its workers and welfare for its citizens. It will do so by combining specifically gathered spatial...
The Ethiopia Urban Land Supply and Affordable Housing Study (EULSAH) responds to the request fromthe Government of Ethiopia (GoE), Ministry of Urban Development and Construction to carry outfollow-on technical...