This paper proposes an objective way of estimating and allocating “differentiated” responsibilities for carbon emissions across countries. These responsibilities translate into specific obligations and...
The authors employ a novel dataset on almost 30,000 trade credit contracts to describe the broad characteristics of the parties that contract together; the key contractual terms, such as the discount for...
This paper provides new evidence on the unique role of trade credit and contracting terms as a way for both sellers and buyers to mange business risk. The authors use a novel and unique dataset on almost...
The Bretton Woods sisters, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (henceforth the World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), were set up in 1944. The original purpose of...
Modernizing China's growth paradigm by Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan. Understanding migration in Russia by Yuri Andrienko and Sergei Guriev. Insert : Invasion or Necessary Stimulant? by Zhanna Zaionchkovskaya...
Эсвар Прасад, Рагхурам Раджан: "Модернизация парадигмы роста Китая". Юрий Андриенко, Сергей Гуриев: "Миграционные потоки в России". Вставка: Жанна Зайончковская: "Китайская миграция в Россию: экспансия...
Симеон Джанков, Жерар Ролан, Эдвард Мигуэль, Иньгуй Цянь, Екатерина Журавская: "Российские предприниматели: скажи мне, кто твои близкие...". Вячеслав Домбровский: "Предпринимательство в Латвии: несколько...
Contents: Russian entrepreneurs: tell me who your friends and family are...; by Simeon Djankov, Gerard Roland, Edward Miguel, Yingui Qian, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. Entrepreneurs in Latvia: a few pieces...
Using a comprehensive database of European firms, this paper studies how the business environment in a country drives the creation of new firms. The focus is on regulations governing firm creation (entry...
Рагхурам Раджан, Луиджи Зингалес: "Путь к процветанию: спасение капитализма от капиталистов". Дейвид Доллар, Мери Холлвар-Драймеир, Альцин Ши, Скотт Уолстен, Шуйлинь Ван, Лисинь Колин Сюй: "Инвестиционный...
The road to prosperity : saving capitalism from capitalists; by Raghuram G. Rajan, and Luigi Zingales. Investment climate in China : a tale of five cities; by David Dollar, Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Anqing...
Aftermath of the September terrorist attacks - a slowdown in transition economies too? An economist's view: poverty did not cause the terror attacks; by Keith Marsden. Integration spurs growth, poverty...
Commodity linked bonds have received considerable attention recently as a way to tailor a developing country's debt repayments to its ability to pay. This report presents a method for pricing commodity-linked...