This Annual Review of Environment Matters, dedicated to Economic Growth and the Environment, brings together a wide variety of external and internal viewpoints on the challenges ahead, and the progress...
This Annual Review of Environment Matters, dedicated to Economic Growth and the Environment, brings together a wide variety of external and internal viewpoints on the challenges ahead, and the progress...
Economic valuation is controversial largely because its purpose has not been clearly conveyed to non-economists. The purpose of valuation of the natural world is to elicit measures of human preferences...
This paper develops a microeconomic model for agricultural colonists' choices among resource development options. The model is used to demonstrate, that under tenurial conditions typically found along...
The report begins by summarizing the main issues relating to the choice of the discount rate in project evaluation, and pointing out the implications of this choice for the selection of projects, both...
This paper discusses the factors in determining the economic benefits of power projects and concludes that benefit estimation should be attempted on a wider scale. Specifically, the objective is to determine...