Today’s climate-turbulent world is rife with food insecurity, threatening economic development trajectories by stunting growth, subsequently reducing employability and labor productivity, especially for...
Developing human resources with the knowledge and skills needed by industry should be prioritized to achieve a technology-driven economy: the educational system must emphasize vocational training.; and...
East Asian Visions: Perspectives on Economic Development is a collection of essays by 17 eminent East Asians who represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds and experiences. All are senior policy makers...
This paper reviews the objectives and instruments of industrial policy in a changing global context and multilateral rules and discipline. The authors provide an analytical review of the objective and...
From a position as one of the world's poorest nations, Indonesia has recorded rapid and sustained growth over the past 25 years. During 1965-90, GDP increased at an average rate of nearly 7 percent per...