Despite a robust recent pre-COVID-19 growth spell, the national poverty incidence was estimated at 44 percent in 2018 and Guinea continues to face multiple challenges to sustain progress on poverty reduction...
The poorest people in most developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, reside in rural areas and agriculture remains their main economic activity. Many interventions aiming...
L’incidence de la pauvreté au Togo en 2018/2019 était estimée à 45,5 pour cent, soit 3,6 millions de personnes. La performance économique globale observée entre 2011 et 2018/2019 a probablement contribué...
L’incidence de la pauvreté au Togo en 2018/2019 était estimée à 45,5 pour cent, soit 3,6 millions de personnes. La performance économique globale observée entre 2011 et 2018/2019 a probablement contribué...
After a Coronavirus (COVID-19) related growth slowdown in 2020, Niger’s economic recovery was hit by a series of climate and security shocks in 2021 that deteriorated many economic and social indicators...
The high level of exposure to shocks, in particular climate-related and conflict induced shocks, across the Sahel region exacerbates the vulnerability of the population. It also increases the risk of non-poor...
Up to February 2020, Chad’s economy continued its gradual, but mild recovery, supported by a substantial increase in oil and agriculture production. Since March 2020, like in the rest of the world, the...
Up to February 2020, Chad’s economy continued its gradual, but mild recovery, supported by a substantial increase in oil and agriculture production. Since March 2020, like in the rest of the world, the...
With eight in ten of its people living in rural areas, Burkina Faso is one of the most rural countries in the world. Welfare has been improving for Burkina Faso’s rural households, but slowly, and faster...