Containing rapidly growing health care costs in the Latin American and the Caribbean region, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, requires an in-depth analysis of prices from a novel perspective. This...
The Ecuador public finance review (PFR) series responded to a request from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending. The PFR series...
Electronic reverse auctions are the most used competitive method for procurement of goods and non-consulting services by the Federal Government of Brazil. These auctions are closed randomly, which perfectly...
El estudio del gasto social en Paraguay "Invertir en Capital Humano" se concentra en el análisis de los programas sociales no contributivos. El estudio busca cuantificar y calificar la calidad del gasto...
El estudio del gasto social en Paraguay "Invertir en Capital Humano" se concentra en el análisis de los programas sociales no contributivos. El estudio busca cuantificar y calificar la calidad del gasto...
Paraguay has achieved impressive economic growth and shared prosperity over the last fifteen years. However, poverty and vulnerability remain significant and stopped declining in recent years. Increase...
Expanding access to quality and affordable health care is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. The World Bank Group has a goal to end preventable deaths and...
As a means to reduce delays in public works implementation, a number of Brazilian states have recently reformed their procurement rules allowing contractor price proposals to be assessed before the technical...