This report provides a review of fiscal decentralization policies in Vietnam and their impact on the Government’s development objectives. It aims to inform reform of central-local fiscal relations in Vietnam...
This report provides a review of fiscal decentralization policies in Vietnam and their impact on the Government’s development objectives. It aims to inform reform of central-local fiscal relations in Vietnam...
Vietnam has made progress to improve oversight and control over cash balances for the state budget. The current arrangement however falls short of a treasury single account (TSA), which has led to inefficiencies...
The Lao economy is projected to grow at 8 percent in 2013. The hydropower sector (both completed projects in operation and projects in the construction or development phase), construction, food processing...
The Lao economy is projected to grow at 8 percent in 2013. The hydropower sector (both completed projects in operation and projects in the construction or development phase), construction, food processing...
Contents: Iraq is a transition economy of the Middle East. The task is to transform the economy-dominated by central planning, price controls, and extensive state ownership-into a genuine market economy...
This report identifies feasible near and medium-term measures that could be introduced to improve fiscal transparency. It will be difficult to achieve all of the requirements of the minimum standard of...