The main focus of this report is on the initial period of the World Bank’s engagement with transport in cities (1972-82). This study looks at the project practice in light of the strategy document, Urban...
The study consisted of developing a compendium of profiles for all free-standing urban transport projects funded by the Bank in calendar years from 1999 through 2009, followed by a first-pass synthesis...
This paper arose from the perception that a gap existed between the practice of project design and the formal Bank strategies for transport and urban sectors as stated in the cited reports. Formal strategies...
This paper starts with a brief perspective on urban transport in developing countries, followed by a detailed presentation of an overall framework for making projects in this sector. Additional details...
The purpose of this policy note is to respond to the request from the Government of India for the World Bank to provide support to the development of the urban transport agenda in India and to provide...
The concept of affordability is widely used when discussing urban public transport fares in the presence of low incomes and poverty, but it is not universally accepted as being meaningful. Traveler reactions...
This report is intended to facilitate the discussions between the World Bank and the Governments of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, City Governments of Chennai and Bangalore, on possibly expanding the Bank's...
This paper addresses price and subsidy policies for urban public transport and water utilities in transition economies of Europe and Central Asia. The subject of this paper is the three-way interaction...
The World Bank has financed only a handful of projects involving metros, mostly extension and/or rehabilitation, rather than new lines. The objective of this paper is to provide guidance on how metros...