Indonesia has been an independent nation for only 70 years, yet it has already reached middle-income status and aims to reach high-income status by 2045. While high levels of economic growth have facilitated...
This Indonesia Education Flagship Report examines ways to strengthen education reforms and boost the learning outcomes of all Indonesian students. It focuses on how the education system can deliver on...
Indonesia’s most recent amendment to its decentralization legislation transferred a far greater role in education management and service delivery to subnational governments. However, little information...
Indonesia’s most recent amendment to its decentralization legislation transferred a far greater role in education management and service delivery to subnational governments. However, little information...
This Indonesia Education Flagship Report examines ways to strengthen education reforms and boost the learning outcomes of all Indonesian students. It focuses on how the education system can deliver on...
In anticipation of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Government of Indonesia has shown a strong commitment to improve the quality of its human capital and, therefore, promote economic growth. Improving...
While Indonesia has made notable investments and progress in improving education access and attainment, challenges in improving teacher performance and student learning outcomes persist. To improve service...
This document presents the first known systematic effort to assess the quality of the data gathered by MoEC and MoRA. To assess the accuracy of the data, unannounced visits were conducted to a representative...
While Indonesia has made notable investments and progress in improving education access and attainment, challenges in improving teacher performance and student learning outcomes persist. To improve service...
While the importance of good teaching may be intuitively obvious, only over the past decade has education research begun to quantify the high economic stakes around teacher quality. In a world where the...
This paper derives the skill content of 30 countries, ranging from low-income to high-income ones, from the occupational structure of their economies. Five different skills are defined.. Cross-country...
This paper analyzes the evolution in socio-economic and ethnic disparities in tertiary education attainment, participation, and completion and labor market outcomes in the six countries of Central America...
To address the challenge of promoting economic growth and creating better job opportunities for Salvadorans, it is essential to complement policies of macroeconomic stability and openness with a strong...
Education is improving in Brazil. The average years of education has almost doubled over the last 20 years, as has the proportion of adults who have completed secondary school. Brazil's high school students...
In order to improve competitiveness and accelerate economic growth, Guatemala has made great efforts in terms of its macroeconomic stabilization, trade opening and access to foreign direct investment...
Through the document Best Jobs in Costa Rica: The Role of Human Capital, World Bank updates its contribution to the public policy dialogue to promote access to quality jobs in Central. The analysis suggests...
The central focus on the work, Efficiency and equity in schools around the world, is how systematic policy actions of governments affect student performance. Building upon the testing and surveys of the...